Sophia Florimo


MLD for postoperative VASER/Liposuction patients

VASER – Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy through Resonance.

Vaser treatment is a purely cosmetic procedure which is used to change the shape of your body by removing persistent fat deposits by light suction. It does not remove the visceral fat around your organs.

Please contact your cosmetic surgeon to discuss if you are a suitable candidate for Vaser/Liposuction.

For your pre and post surgery MLD, Sophia is authorised to apply the method on patients with an effective lymphatic system and for pain relief for Lipoedema. She will liaise with your consultant/cosmetic surgeon if necessary.

Part of the bodyNumber of treatments
Abdomen5-10, within 2-3 weeks, (with a minimum of 5)
Flank5-10, within 2-3 weeks, (with a minimum of 7)
Thighs3-5, within 2-3 weeks (slender female 3 otherwise 5)
Male chest3-5, within 2-3 weeks (minimum 3)
Upper arm3-5, within 2-3 weeks (minimum 3)
High/Mid definitionDaily for a week, then 10-15 sessions in 2-3 weeks
Breast reductionDue to the tendency for nodules to occur, the recommendation
is 10 MLD treatments over a 2-3 week period and then weekly
for 3-4 months

Price list

Consultation and Screening75 min£70
Follow up60 min£65


Tel: 07900818228


